11  Continued learning

11.1 Free online books:

11.1.1 Beginner

11.1.2 Intermediate and above

  • Efficient R Programming: Excellent book on being efficient when writing R code.
  • Advanced R: Detailed book on advanced features of R.
  • R Packages: Learn how to create R Packages from the basics.
  • R Programming for Data Science: Great overview of using R for Data Science, with more of a focus on the programming side of things
  • rstats.wtf: What They Forgot to Teach You About R, a book on more advanced topics in R.
  • Data Science: A book on data science using R, with a focus on the tidyverse.
  • R Packages: A book on how to create R packages. A very useful reference to use for when you want to create your own package.

11.2 Quick references:

11.3 Articles:

11.4 General sites:

11.5 Interactive sites or resources for hands-on learning:

11.6 Videos:

11.7 Getting help:

11.8 Teaching:

11.9 Examples:

These are some real world examples of how Git and GitHub are used in health research, some of which also use R and incorporate reproducibility.

  • Some research projects at Steno Aarhus using the UK Biobank data:
    • ukbAid: An R package and documentation for streamlining the use of the UK Biobank data on the DNAnexux platform
    • legliv: The Association between Substitution of Red Meat with Legumes and Risk of Primary Liver Cancer in UK Biobank: A Cohort Study
    • leha: Legumes as a substitute for red and processed meat, poultry, or fish, and the risk of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in a large cohort
  • Research projects at Steno Diabetes Center Aarhus:
    • LIVING Project: A national evaluation of the patient education concept Lev Livet
    • DP-Next: Sustainable Type 2 Diabetes Prevention for the 21st Century
    • Seedcase Project: A framework for open and scalable data: Software and training to bring data engineering to research
    • ON-LiMiT: Remission of type 2 diabetes with diet and exercise

These are, naturally, biased to project at Steno Aarhus since that is where the lead instructor works. But if you have any examples to add here, please let us know!