3  Teaching in class đŸ‘©â€đŸ«

3.1 Tips for teaching

Here are some steps and guidelines when you are an instructor:

  • Start by introducing a bit about yourself and perhaps why you’re interested in teaching R and data analysis.

  • Keep mindful of the time and try to stay on time. The lead organizer will be also be keeping track of time and wave to you to continue on or slow down.

  • Try to assume the participants know as little as possible. This is actually quite hard, but try as best you can. The lead organizer may take notes and provide feedback after your lesson or clarify concepts to the participants. Try to (briefly) explain as much aspects as possible of what you are doing, including how to open RStudio or how to run code (e.g. press Shift-Enter in RStudio).

  • Check in with participants: We distribute colored sticky notes to each participant so that they can flag problems with one color and success with another color. Use these indicators to check your pacing and where the class is at. See the section below for more details.

  • Throughout the exercises and code-along sessions, reinforce the use of troubleshooting techniques including finding help from other resources.

  • We teach the tidyverse way of using R, meaning we use packages like dplyr, tidyr, rmarkdown, ggplot2, purrr, and so on. This also means making use of the pipe %>% operator.

  • We follow the tidyverse way of writing and styling R code.

  • Be kind, and remember, your words matter a lot. Try to avoid words like “basically”, “its just”, “as simple as”, and so on. This is difficult, but at least try.

3.2 The live-coding technique

The majority of the lesson material is participatory live-coding, so use of slides is minimal. The purpose of the workshop is to type with the participants, to show by doing. Live-coding is a hands-on method of teaching coding to a group in which the instructor shares their screen with the group and types out and narrates all the commands in real-time on their own computer while the group follows along. Live-coding is a very effective teaching technique: it forces the instructor to go slowly and ensures that participants get to try out every command being used. It allows learners to experience common errors themselves, to see errors occur when for the instructors (thus demystifying that everyone no matter the skill level experiences errors) and debug them in a supportive environment, to explore variations on material as they go, and to immediately check their understanding by trying things hands-on.

Live-coding is a technique used by Software Carpentry. Software Carpentry has lots of great resources explaining the why and how of live-coding:

3.3 Before your session

  • Have an RStudio theme that uses a white background with black text. This setting is easier to read on projectors.

  • In Global Options -> Appearance, put a higher zoom value and increase the font size (maybe around 14). Exact zoom and font size depends on the projector.

  • Put the Console and Script panes side by side rather than stacked. This can be changed in the Global Options -> Pane Layout

  • If you use Vim or Emacs keybindings in RStudio, change to the default that the learners use, so that 1) they see similar behaviour as what you are doing 2) doing fancy/quick stuff is not going to help them learn 3) it slows you down a lot more since your muscle memory for the default keybindings will probably be similar to the learners muscle memory.

  • If the instructor team is sharing a code-along repository (e.g. so there is continuity between session), make sure to pull the latest changes from the previous session.

3.4 During your session

  • At the start of the session, except for the first one, quickly review what was covered in the previous sessions. Doing this can help remind the learners where they are at in the workshop and to reinforce what they learned previously.

  • At the beginning of the morning sessions and occasionally throughout the session, refer back to the big picture of why we are doing what we are doing.

  • For most of the sessions, there are sections that tell the participants to read on their own. Know beforehand where these sections are and get them to read over the section when you come to it. Preferably, you should briefly go over the content again, to reinforce what they read and to address any questions and, where relevant, emphasize the why of it. Don’t spend too much time on it.

  • Try to keep the screen on your RStudio as much as possible and don’t switch applications often, only when you need to go to the workshop material or to show an exercise. Otherwise people get lost, since they have to be looking up to the screen and then down to their own laptops, which takes a lot more time.

  • For code-along sessions, narrate what you are doing as you are typing by describing and explaining what the function or code does and what you want to achieve with it. Typing alone doesn’t help explain the why, and learners need to understand the why to help them reinforce the concepts and code. This is particularly important for the wrangling sessions, where you should explain what each function does and examples of instances where you would use each function. (It’s also something we often get feedback on.)

  • Try not to deviate too much or go on tangents during the code along. The code-along should have almost the exact same code as is on the website.

  • Be aware of how much space you have on the projector screen and don’t let R code go too long. You have two options to take so that all code stays on the screen (use which ever you find most visually appealing):

    1. Use soft-wrapping of R code. You can set this in RStudio by going to Tools -> Global Options -> Code -> Editing tab and then tick the “Soft-wrap R source files” option.

    2. Or, adding more lines to the code then you normally would use. For instance, instead of:

      ggplot(NHANES, aes(x = BMI, y = Age, colour = Diabetes)) +

      You could add new lines like:

             aes(x = BMI, 
                 y = Age, 
                 colour = Diabetes)) +
  • There are areas called “Details for instructors” that have notes or comments about something to focus on or reinforce for a concept. Make sure to know where these are and to use them to help you as you go through the material.

  • Be aware of the time as you go through your session. It can be easy to forget and let time pass, but its important to keep moving on, even if there are tangential questions that come up.

  • If a section doesn’t mention for the student to read it, that means the instructor should mention and talk about it. But don’t read it word for word, instead talk about it while doing the code along. It’s strongly suggested that you try to use your own words rather than exactly what was written. This makes it easier for you and makes it more engaging for the learners.

  • Something that takes some practice as a teacher is getting used to being in an instructor role and essentially being in a position of “power” over the learners. People come to the workshop consenting and expecting to being in this instructor-learner hierarchy, trusting (or hoping) that the instructor helps guide them into learning something new and/or useful. They are willingly giving their time to sit in front of you and listen after all! This hierarchy comes with a lot of responsibility and “duties”, several of which relate to making sure the learners know you are present. Taking up space in a non-aggressive and friendly way, moving around, looking out in the audience and making eye contact (lots of eye contact), are all key aspects to showing you are there for them and present.

  • Unless there is an explicit “reading task” or “read this text”, assume that you as the instructor should verbally explain the text on the webpage.

  • When helpers are helping out, especially when there are two or more helping out, as the instructor wait until they are done or go check on them if you feel they are taking too long. Don’t continue the lesson until helping has slowed down or stopped.

3.4.1 During the exercises

  • For discussion exercises/activities, when participants answer a question/share something, the instructor should repeat the thing so everyone else can hear as well (since instructor usually has the microphone).

  • For the exercises, make sure to get the learners helping each other out in their groups.

  • Exercise solutions do not need to be covered by the instructor, given the solution is provided already. However, if there is time, it can be useful to the participants to have the instructor narrate about how the code works and why we used this code.

  • Try not to go over the time given for the exercises. If many learners are struggling to finish on time, make a note of it to fix or revise later and then go over it with everyone.

  • Exercise solutions do not need to be covered in too much detail by the instructor, given the solution is provided already.

    • During the exercise, copy and paste the solutions from the site into your code-along R Project, so you can move to the next section quickly.

3.4.2 Making use of the stickies/origami hats

  • Check in with the learners to see where they are at by asking something like: “Do you see the same thing as is on the screen?” If yes, put the ‘all good’ sticky on your laptop. If no, use the ‘need help’ sticky.”

  • For exercises, remind them to use the stickies/origami hats if they need help.

3.5 After the workshop

After the workshop we always do a “workshop and instructor debrief”. During this time, we go over what worked and what could be improved on for the workshop. It’s also a time to give peer feedback. Workshops aren’t just a source of learning for the participants, but also for the instructors! During the debrief we’ll each say one thing each of us should continue doing and two things that they could improve on.

So, while you are teaching or helping out, keep note of any feedback or comments you could give to improve the other instructors’ (and your own) teaching.

3.6 Resources