Guides for the r-cubed workshops
1 Welcome!
Listed here are common guides that we use across multiple projects related to teaching R, reproducible research, and data science. These guides are used to help support the following workshops:
- Reproducible Research in R: An introductory workshop on modern data analyses and workflows
- Reproducible Research in R: An intermediate workshop on modern approaches and workflows to processing data
- Reproducible Research in R: An advanced workshop on creating collaborative and automated analysis pipelines
1.1 About creating this website
This website was created using Markdown to write the documents, Quarto to create the book HTML format, GitHub to host the Git repository of the material, and GitHub Actions with Netlify to create the website. The original source material for this workshop is found on the guides
GitHub repository.
1.2 Contributing
Want to contribute to this workshop? Check out the README file as well as the CONTRIBUTING file on the GitHub repository for more details. The main way to contribute is by using GitHub and creating a new issue to make comments and give feedback on the material.